Post-Processor Number Formats

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During post-processing many numerical values needs to be output and the format and precision (decimal places) needs to be specified. A list for format entries is shown below.

; Axis motion output formats, F11.2 is a field width of 11 with 2 decimal places e.g.'-1234567.12'IS F11.2
; set all 6 axes even if machine does not have them. n=1,6. This relates to @@POS-n@@, @@SPOS-n@@ and @@AX-INC-n@@ entries.

; Feed rate output format and precision @@FEED@@

; Program name format @@MPF-NAME@@ and @@SPF-NAME@@ either an integer number e.g. 1234 (I4), 0010 (I4.4),
; or a name e.g.'PROG1' (An) - where n is maximum number of characters that controller will allow

; loop counter values for sub-routines @@NO-PASSES@@

; format for fibre tension vales @@TENSION-VALUE-n@@ where n=1,2 or 3

; Governs the output values for @@RMAX@@ (maximum mandrel radius>, '@@DMAX@@' (maximum mandrel diameter), @@RCLR@@ ( radial clearance value), @@BANDWIDTH@@ and @@XDAT@@ (x Datum value). All these variables could be used in the SM file.

The table below shows some of the format options and how they display numbers in different ways. Formats my produce leading spaces (a space character is show as "^" in the table) but never produce trailing spaces. Real numbers using a format Fw.m have a total width (including an + or - sign and the decimal dot) of w character with m places shown after the dot. If w=0 a minimum width format is used with no leading zeros. The SP prefix adds the "+" symbol with positive numbers. Note that if the global setting $KILL-WHITE-SPACE=1 is used then in the final NC file all multiple blank spaces are reduced to a single space. e.g. "^^^^^" becomes "^".

Output Formats for presenting numbers for Cadfil PostProcessing

Updated: 19 October 2020