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Cadfil® - Filament Winding Software & Technology
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About Cadfil and Crescent Consultants Ltd

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Cadfil Software Home

World class filament winding software with Global Presence

Established in 1983 at the University Of Nottingham, England, Crescent Consultants has been at the forefront of software development in the field of filament winding. Crescent Consultants is an independent company and the Cadfil software is in worldwide use in many leading companies in the field of high performance composites and is the oldest established commercial filament winding package. Some of the countries that Cadfil systems have been installed in can be seen in the world map below. Cadfil is a registered trademark.

Cadfil World Locations Map
World Locations of Cadfil software Installations

Cadfil can be purchased directly see the contacts link or via a network of partners and OEM machine builder based around the world. From the early days over 35 years ago on the original IBM 8086 PC, Cadfil has been continuously developed with the addition of new features and functionality, Cadfil supports the latest Windows operating systems.

Updated: 13 December 2022